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French Premier

That crazy broad Meeps (yes, thatīs me ;-) ) once brought a French Premier although she didnīt understand a word ...
Here is why ;-)


Limber guy?
... but doesnīt he have a little tendency to do things the hard way ;-)?


Hi, did he burn his finger?
Well, even super stars - the smoking ones ;-) - does that from time to time, I guess :-D


All I can sigh is "aaaaaahhhh !!!!" ;-)


Wouldnīt you buy this car in a minute if this guy was selling it :-D?
... I would buy the guy too if I could ;-)


Or at least with nice words, candy and a little peck or two on the cheek try to persuade him to drive me home ...
Seeing I have no driverīs licence myself :-)


The journalist was interviewing Johnny while the photographer took the pictures.
Makes for good pictures, I think - Johnny being less self conscious that way.


Does anybody have a Kleenex - Iīm drooling ... Tshe :-)


So much adoration makes for a tired guy - so;
"Goodnight, my sweet prince :-)"